
The information contained in this website and/or our social media channels is provided for informational purposes only, and is a legal advice on any issue.

  1. Unless where expressly stated, any communication on this website and/or on our social media channel, in whole or in part, with Bezaleel Chambers International (BCI) via any digital means does not initiate or form a lawyer-client relationship.
  2. The information on this website and/or our social media channels may not represent the most recent legal trend. Hence, the information may be reviewed at intervals and without any notice.
  3. All information, publications, materials, property and any brand published on this website and/or our social media channels (except for third party materials) remain our copyright and all rights are reserved.
  4. All information, publications, materials, property and any brand published on this website and/or our social media channels that belongs to any third party do not represent our opinion or communicate our endorsement or that of our team members, partners and stakeholders.